Control Your Health Care
Many financial advisors are merely concerned your financial well–being, but our firm takes a holistic approach. That includes ensuring that you and your family are prepared for a medical emergency by helping you prepare your advance directives These are documents that put you in control of your health care, even if you are unable to speak for yourself. They let you choose who should make medical decisions for you and the types of treatments you do and don’t want.
Protect You and Your Family
Your advance directives are a gift to your family. Your loved ones may have to make difficult decision on your behalf. These decisions can be stressful and lead to arguments. Your advance directives provide clarity and peace of mind for your loved ones during these tense moments.
Carry Your Documents Right in Your Wallet!
Your DocuBank membership includes an emergency wallet card. This card is the key to accessing to your advance directives and other vital medical information. DocuBank can fax your documents directly to the hospital, or staff can print a copy from

Informed Doctors Provide Better Care
Your DocuBank card provides access to more than your advance directives. You can make important emergency information available, so you receive the best care possible:
A Proven Track Record
DocuBank has helped more than 350,000 people take control of their health care since 1994.They have excellent customer service, including a toll-free number (866-362-8226) in case you need help with your membership.
Login to Your Account
Already an existing DocuBank member? Update your emergency contacts, view your advance directives, or access your SAFE by clicking here to log in to your DocuBank membership online.